Constitution, Rules and Bye Laws

1) NAME:

The name of the Club shall be “Antrim and District Angling Association” and is hereinafter referred to as “The Club”.

At the 2020 Annual General Meeting it was agreed that the Club becomes a registered charity.  In connection with this, the club will select a Board of five Trustees, to include the current President, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and one other member from the Committee.



The objects of the Club shall be:

a) To watch over and conserve the interests of members of Rod Anglers and to promote their interests and the art of Angling by such means as from time to time may appear expedient.

b) To improve angling in the re-stocking and preservation of waters.

c) To promote the meetings of members and the co-operation, higher standards of sportsmanship and good relations amongst all members and Anglers.

d) To preserve, protect and improve all Angling Waters under the Club’s jurisdiction.

e) To acquire Property (real or personal), including Fishing Rights for its members and ultimately to purchase Club Rooms.


The Club shall consist of a President, Honorary Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Competition Secretary, Assistant Competition Secretary, sub officers and a limited number of members (in accordance with rule 20 hereof) whose names shall be kept by the Hon. Treasurer in a Book of Register, which shall be open for inspection at reasonable times.  Each candidate or applicant for admission as a member shall apply to the Hon. Secretary, in writing, on or before the 1st day of January in each year and such application will be considered by the Club Committee on or before the 10th day of March following.

All young people under the age of 18 years may apply for Junior membership of the association.  The Hon. Secretary shall notify a successful applicant of his/her selection as aforesaid within one week of the aforesaid Committee meeting and at the same time notify him/her of the amount of entry fee and membership fee payable in accordance with rule 14 hereof.

Election to membership shall be deemed to have been effected by the application receiving a simple majority vote (in favour) at the appropriate meeting of Committee considering new applications - and the subsequent payment by the applicant of an entrance fee and membership fee as hereinafter provided by rule 14(b) hereof.  Honorary membership may be granted (by the Committee) in accordance with rules 12 and 21 hereof.

With regard to junior membership there will be a base line number of a minimum of 30 juniors at all times within the current membership.  If the number of junior members drops below 30, then the next juniors on the waiting list will automatically be offered membership so that the number of juniors will remain constantly at a minimum of 30.

All new members, during their first year of membership, must attend two River Maintenance Work Parties.  Failure to attend, without written valid reasons (such as disability, illness etc), will result in membership not being renewed the following year.



The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by a Committee in accordance with the rules of the Club. The Committee shall consist of not more than 15 members (except in accordance with rule 12(b)) and of the President, Honorary Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Competition Secretary and Assistant Competition Secretary, sub officers (see Appendix 1) and subject to the rules, they shall hold office from the date of the Annual General Meeting.  Elected office bearers shall be eligible as members of Committee.



The Hon. Secretary shall record the Minutes of the meetings of the Club in a proper book reserved for that purpose.  He/she shall summon, in writing, the members of the Club to all meetings of the Club and the members of Committee to all meetings of the Committee.  He/she shall have power to convene a meeting of the Committee when and where he/she considers desirable.  He/she shall attend to the correspondence of the Club and shall prepare a Report for the Annual General Meeting and generally act as Secretary of the Club.

In cases of urgency and when time does not permit a meeting of the Committee, the Secretary at his/her discretion, may take the initiative but he/she shall obtain instructions from the Committee as to continuing the steps so taken, at the first possible opportunity.


The Hon. Treasurer shall be under the jurisdiction of the Committee and shall be responsible for the finances of the Club.  All income shall and must be lodged by him/her in the Club’s Bank Account, in the name of the Club.  All payments must be made by cheque, signed by any 2 from 3 Committee Members acting as signatories, normally Honorary Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer.  He/she shall be responsible for the preparation of an Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet as at the 30th of November in each year, for production to the Annual General Meeting.  He/ she shall be responsible for the keeping of the Register of the members of the Club, and shall generally act as Treasurer of the Club.


The roles of the sub officers on the Committee are detailed in Appendix 1.


The Financial Year of the Club shall end on the 30th day of November in each year; or upon such date as may be decided upon at an Annual General Meeting of the Club.


The Dankse Bank or such other bank as the Committee may decide upon, shall be the Bankers of the Club.


 The Members at an Annual or other General Meeting may resolve that an Auditor or a Qualified Accountant be appointed or re-appointed for the ensuing year to audit or review the accounts prepared by or under the direction of the Honorary Treasurer.

 If no Auditor or Qualified Accountant is to be appointed to audit or review the accounts, a Review Committee consisting of a limited number of Club Members may be established by the Club Committee and shall be established if so resolved by the Club Members at an Annual or other General Meeting.  If a Review Committee is to be established upon resolution of the Members in General Meeting, the membership of the Review Committee may be appointed by the Club Members at that General Meeting.

 Any Auditor, Qualified Accountant or Review Committee appointed may submit a report of their findings to the Club Members in writing and/or submit their written or verbal report to the Club Members at an Annual or other General Meeting.  Any written report to be presented at an Annual or other General Meeting must be submitted to the Club Secretary prior to such General Meeting being summoned.

 Any Auditor, Qualified Accountant or Review Committee appointed in accordance with this Rule shall remain in office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.


a) An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of January each year, at a date to be fixed by the Committee.  Notice of the meeting shall be sent to each member at least 7 days prior to that date of the meeting.

b) The President, Honorary Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Competition Secretary , Assistant Competition Secretary and sub officers for the ensuing year shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting, as also shall the Committee and Sub Officers for the ensuing year.  Those being proposed for Executive Committee positions must be present at the Association’s AGM.  An exception will be given where the individual concerned is unable to attend the meeting and has notified the Honorary Secretary in advance in writing by letter, email or text that they are willing to become an Executive Committee member.

c) In the case of General and Extraordinary General Meetings which may be held from time to time throughout the year, as and when the Committee shall decide - notice of such meetings shall be sent to each member at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting.

d) The Quorum for an Annual General, a General or an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be 30 members; who are eligible to vote; and no resolution at any of the aforesaid meetings shall be deemed to be carried unless two-thirds of the votes cast are in favour of such resolution.  Elections to Office or Committee shall be decided by a simple majority vote.

e) An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Hon. Secretary within 21 days of the receipt of a notice of motion in writing, signed by at least twelve members of the club, or by six members of the Committee, or of the passing of a resolution to that effect by the Committee at a duly convened meeting, and the business for which an Extraordinary General Meeting is called shall be stated in the notice convening it, and shall be confined thereto.

The Hon. Secretary, acting under instruction of the Committee, shall have power to convene a General or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club at any time.

f) All members who have attained the age of 18years are eligible to vote.


a) At a General, Annual General, Extraordinary General or Committee meeting in the absence of the Honorary Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall act as Chairperson, and in the absence of both, the members present shall elect a Chairperson for that particular meeting.

b) At all meetings the Chairperson shall have a second or a casting vote.

c) Meetings of Committee shall be held as the need arises, or at the request of any 5 members thereof, or at the request of the Hon. Secretary.

d) The Quorum for a meeting of Committee shall be 7.

e) In summoning a meeting of Committee, the Hon. Secretary shall give 5 days notice thereof to the members concerned.

f) The accidental omission to give notice to any members of member of the Club, or of the Committee, and the non-receipt by any member or members of any such notice, shall not affect the validity of the proceedings of such meeting.

g) At the commencement of every meeting the minutes of the preceding similar meeting shall be read, confirmed and signed by the Chairperson.  The Committee shall be empowered to correct any error in such Minutes, and to act in accordance with the Minutes so amended.

h) A member shall cease to be a member of the Committee or any sub committee if he/she fails to attend three consecutive Committee meetings without reasonable excuse/apology.

i) No member shall take part in any debate or vote on any matter in which that member has a personal, financial or other significant involvement; and at the start of any proceedings on such a matter, such a member shall declare the interest and withdraw from the debate or vote.

j) No member may on any pretence or in any manner receive any profit, salary or emoluments from the funds or transactions of the club, except for professional services rendered at the request of the Committee.


a) The property and management of the Club shall be vested in the Committee jointly who shall have power at any time to call a General or Extraordinary General Meeting; to arbitrate in disputed matters; to appoint Sub-Committees; and to carry on the general business and administration of the Club.

b) The Committee also shall have power to select persons for admission as new members in accordance with these rules; to decide which members (if any) who shall not be liable to pay the membership fee, to select or nominate Honorary members: to authorise the Hon. Secretary to issue complimentary tickets and (at their discretion) to fill any vacancies occurring in their number including Officer and Sub Officer Bearers between Annual General Meetings.  The Committee shall also have the power to appoint two additional Committee members until the next Annual General Meeting, when there is a need to acquire specific/needed skills.

c) The Committee shall have power to deal with all expenses incurred on behalf of the Club, and to decide how Club funds are to be managed, subject to the approval of the Membership at an Annual General Meeting.

d) The Committee shall have the power to limit the number of permits issued daily if required.

e) The Committee shall have power to deal with any question which may arise and may not be provided for by these rules.


a) All resolutions or notices of motion must be sent to the Hon. Secretary in writing before the 30th November and should contain a proposer and seconder.  These will be considered by the Committee before being put on the Agenda for an Annual General Meeting, a General or an Extraordinary General Meeting.

b) All resolutions shall require to be carried by two-thirds majority of the members present.

c) Members shall be notified, in writing, by the Honorary Secretary of the outcome of any proposals tabled at General Meetings, within fourteen days of the date of that Meeting.


a) An annual membership fee shall be payable by all members save and except such persons as the Committee may from time to time exempt from such payment.  Fees and charges to increase yearly in line with the retail price index.

b) Any person who the Committee may select to become a new member of the Club under rule 3 hereof, shall pay an entry fee of such amount as may be decided upon at an Annual General Meeting (in addition to the appropriate membership fee.)  Such entry fee and appropriate membership fee must be paid by such intending new member within 14 days of the date of the notification of the Hon. Secretary informing him/ her of his/her selection by the Committee as a suitable New member in accordance with rule 3 hereof.

c) All club fees, Membership, Guiding etc. to be paid upon written notification from the Hon. Secretary between the day of the Annual General Meeting and the last day of February in each year, which shall ensure membership for the incoming season.  In any event failure to do so by the last day of February will result in forfeiture of membership.  No communication either verbal or written will be entered into after this date i.e. last day of February.  It is the duty of all members to ensure that the Hon. Secretary has an accurate address for each member.

d) As the payment of membership fee will entitle a member to enjoy every benefit the Club can impart, so is his/her acquiescence in the rules and bye-laws of the Club hereby distinctly implied.


These rules and bye-laws may be altered only at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club. A notice of motion, detailing any proposed alterations, must be lodged, in writing, with the Hon. Secretary in accordance with rule 13(a) hereof.


a) Any member may withdraw or resign from the Club at any time on giving notice, in writing, to the Hon. Secretary, provided always that such member shall be liable for his/her membership fee for the current year in which he/she gives notice, and shall have no further claim upon resignation taking place, on any of the property or funds, or interest in, or benefits attached to or belonging to the Club.

b) Any person resigning from a position of Club Office-bearer or Committee Member shall at the time of tendering resignation, hand over to the Club all Club documents, funds, papers or other property belonging to it.


 All disciplinary and complaints matters for Antrim and District Angling Association (ADAA) will be dealt with by the Club Committee. All members of ADAA agree to fully comply with this code of conduct and specific codes of conduct for their role and be bound by its terms as under noted. Non-members i.e. day and season ticket holders are required to comply with the rules of the ADAA (and the spirit thereof) and this disciplinary and complaints procedure. The club committee will be the arbitrator in its interpretation. Should any member or permit holder witness or obtain information regarding illegal fishing or a breach of Association rules, or wish to record any complaint concerning the conduct of another member or permit holder, such an incident should be reported immediately to the Honorary Secretary at the earliest opportunity.

 1. Offences Leading to Disciplinary Action

 The below noted actions by members may be interpreted by the Club Committee to fall within the ADAA’s jurisdiction. However, the lists of offences in this document are not to be considered as fully inclusive or covering all possible offences. It is a matter for the Club Committee to determine how other offences are designated as and when the need arises. Please note these offences will only be considered if they fall within fishing matters, landowners’ rights, public interactions, pollution or anything deemed to affect all and any ADAA interests, fishing rights and members rights and what is deemed to be to within the Association’s authority and powers.

 1.1 Misconduct” is the carrying out of an offence considered to be of a minor/lesser nature, unless frequently repeated, and will normally incur a written warning from the Club committee, together with a demand for full and appropriate corrective action.

Examples of offences that may be considered misconduct include: –

· Discourteous, crude or offensive behaviour.

· Conduct of an unsafe nature. 

· Offensive disregard for equipment or property.

· Refusal to carry out reasonable instructions issued by the Club committee, an ADAA Bailiff, or other recognised officials of the Association and DAERA

· Breaches of ADAA club rules.

Repetition of the above offences or failure to comply with any demands made in writing by the Club committee may result in further action by the committee involving a disciplinary hearing.

 A misconduct offence will result in a written warning. Each offence will be considered as one strike on a three-strike ruling. Three breaches will be considered as gross misconduct which will result in expulsion or a measuredtimed ban from ADAA.

Misconducts will carry a maximum of 1 strikes.

1.2 “Serious Misconduct” is the carrying out of an offence of such gravity that in the opinion of the Club Committee warrants a disciplinary hearing.

Examples of offences that may be considered serious misconduct include:-

· Misconduct offences as above, if repeated and of a more serious nature.

· Deliberate breaches of ADAA rules.

· Any attempt to achieve gains or advantage over others by unfair or unscrupulous means.

· Minor theft or misappropriation.

· Use of threatening, intimidatory or abusive behaviour.

· Malicious interference with equipment or property.

· Disregard for one’s own or another person’s safety.

· Deliberately leaving of litter or used tackle behind.

· Any other action, which in the opinion of the Club committee may bring the sport or ADAA  into disrepute, or which if left unpunished, may result in the detriment of ADAA or its members.

Serious misconducts will carry a maximum of 2 strikes.

1.3 “Gross Misconduct” is any action of such seriousness that the Club  committee will require the immediate expulsion of the offenders from ADAA resulting in bans of up to life. The Club Committee may by means of an executive decision summarily expel such an offender without invoking a disciplinary hearing. The expelled member will have the right to a disciplinary hearing if requested in writing within 3 weeks of the receipt of the notification of the decision to expel.

Examples of gross misconduct offences are: -

· Physical violence of assault towards any other person, including serious threatening, intimidating or violent and forceful behaviour.

· Reckless disregard of safety and basic safety rules.

· Being convicted of any crime that comes under Northern Ireland Fisheries Act. (A limited banning order maybe issued if found to be charged and awaiting due process.)

·The taking or killing of any salmon or exceeding the bag limits/sizes for trout on any ADAA water. 

· Poaching.

· Other acts that are considered to be of a serious nature perpetuated against ADAA or its members or any other party.

Gross misconduct will also be considered as 3 strikes of a serious misconduct and or misconduct nature. Gross Misconduct offences will result in instantaneous, timed bans up to lifetime bans.

The Association reserves the right to expel or suspend, without out advanced notice, members where offences of an extremely serious nature have occurred.

2.     Disciplinary Procedure

On receipt of a written complaint or report from a member, any other fishing organisation or any person lawfully on ADAA fishable areas, the Club committee will decide whether the complaint or report falls within the scope of ADAA disciplinary code. If in their opinion it does, then the committee will decide the type of offence under which the matterwill be dealt with. Note the list of examples of various offences outlined in paragraph 1 is not exhaustive.

 If the offence is considered to be one of misconduct, the ADAA Secretary will write to the offender with a formal written warning including the demand for an apology or other corrective action, the Club committee may deem appropriate.

A disciplinary file will be opened and stored by the Club committee in which will be placed copies and records of the original complaint or report together with the written warning and any other correspondence.

The action outlined above will normally finalise the process unless the offender involved object strongly to the Club committee’s decision. This being the case the Club Committee will establish a hearing committee which will proceed in a manner as outlined below for serious misconduct offences.

Should a complaint or report be considered by the Club committee as one of serious misconduct, then the following procedure will be implemented: –

The Club Committee will appoint a hearing committee who will research evidence presented and if possible, will obtain any further written evidence, witness statements, etc.

. Advise the alleged offender that if a disciplinary hearing is called, then the alleged offender and all relevant witnesses will be obliged to attend and give evidence. (Non-attendance at a hearing will only be allowed in extenuating circumstances, i.e. Serious Ill-health, threat of violence or intimidation etc). In such circumstances/instances a sworn declaration must be submitted to the committee.

· Contact the alleged offender to advise of the official complaint or report and request a written statement of events.

· Outline the opportunity to be accompanied by a friend subject to the agreement of the hearing committee.

· Contact the club’s legal advisor if required and supply copies of all evidence. 

· Notify all parties as to the hearing date, time and location.   

3. Disciplinary Hearing

The hearing will be conducted by a hearing committee with a minimum of 3 Executive Committee members, one of whom will be appointed Chairman of the hearing. All comments will be addressed through the Chairman, who when appointed, will have the casting vote.

· The Committee shall have the authority to summon any member or permit holder to a meeting or to demand a written statement from any member or permit holder in connection with any investigation.

· Any member under investigation shall on demand hand over to the club all funds, papers, equipment, or other property belonging to the Association.

· Copies of all written evidence produced for consideration at the hearing must be provided in advance.

· The hearing committee, on completion of the hearing will make a recommendation to the Club Committee. 

· After the Club committee has reached a decision, the subject of the procedure to be notified in writing of such decision and informed of any penalties within 10 days of the decision being reached. Penalties will be effective from the date of the decision.

· Any person who has been expelled, and the expulsion affirmed on appeal, shall forfeit all claims upon the club, and shall forthwith return or hand back to the Association all funds, papers, documents or other property belonging to it.

· The failure of any person involved to attend a hearing or answer any questions shall not prevent the disciplinary process proceeding to a conclusion.

4. Penalties

Following the hearing, the Executive committee will apply such penalties as it considers appropriate, including temporary or permanent expulsion of the offender from ADAA.  in the case of day and season ticket holders, penalties will also include banning access to fish the Association’s fishing waters for various time periods and also the denial of being able to become a member of the Association.

Such penalties will have immediate effect, notwithstanding the possibility of an appeal in accordance with Section 5 below noted. In the event of the member being expelled, no refund of any membership fee will be made. The Executive committee will in all cases comply with the requirements of relevant regulatory authorities including immediate notification of the police where required.

5. Appeals

If an appeal of the decision or penalty is to be made, then written notice of appeal by way of 1st class recorded delivery to ADAA Secretary must also be given by the offender within 28 days of being notified of the decision. No appeal will be valid or considered after that period has elapsed. It will not be sufficient to state “I wish to appeal”, the offender must give full written grounds for the appeal, stating exactly what is being appealed against and the reasons for this. An appeal may be considered relative to: –

· The decision

· The penalty

 An appeal hearing committee will be convened as soon as practicable and will consist of 3 Executive committee officers who did not take part in the first hearing.  One of the committee will be appointed as chairman of the hearing and will have the casting vote.

 New evidence cannot be presented by the appellant at the appeal hearing. The appeal hearing committee shall have the power to amend or revoke any decision made at the previous disciplinary hearing process, including cancelling or reducing or confirming or increasing the penalty under appeal.

The decision of the appeal hearing committee is final and binding on the parties and not subject to further appeal.

6.     Complaints Procedure

If a member of the ADDA, or an Association ticket holder has a complaint involving another club member or ticket holder this should be communicated in writing to the Honorary Secretary. 

The Honorary Secretary will advise the complainant of the procedure which is to initially provide a full written statement. This statement to include:-

a. Details of what occurred.

b. Details of when and where the occurrence took place.

c. Any witness details and copies of any witness statements.

d. Names of any others who have been treated in a similar manner.

e.  Details of any former complaints made in relation to the incident.

f.  An indication of the desired outcome.

On receipt of the compliant the Secretary will report the matter to the ADAA Committee who will decide on an appropriate course of action.

The potential courses of action are:-

a. A response from the Secretary/Committee where it appears that there is no disciplinary/corrective action consideration involved.

b. If the ADAA Committee considers that there is the potential for disciplinary /corrective action the matter will be dealt with under the Association’s Disciplinary Procedure.

c. In the case of complaints/reports involving non-members i.e. permit and season ticket holders, the ADAA Committee will decide at its sole discretion whether or not to hold hearings as described in the disciplinary procedures. 


The Club and all funds and property belonging to it shall be vested in such Trustees (not exceeding 7 in number) or such Trustee Company, as maybe decided upon at either an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.  Thereafter each Trustee or such Trustee Company so appointed shall execute a proper Deed of Trust, to be prepared by the Club’s Solicitors.


The Club shall be wound up only at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose, and upon such terms as may be decided upon at such meeting.


The number of Club members shall be limited to such number (exclusive of Hon. members) as the Club may decide upon at an Annual General meeting.  A ladies section shall be created within the general membership.


The Committee shall have power to confer honorary membership on any person they may decide upon.  On attaining 65 years of age, and having paid full fees for the previous 7 years, a person shall automatically become an honorary member.


(a) All Bailiffs and Guides shall be under the jurisdiction of the Committee and shall comply with all rules and regulations laid down by the Committee which may direct the keeping of records or such other information as it may deem advisable.

(b) Only guides authorised by Antrim and District Angling Association are permitted to provide guiding services on the Sixmilewater and Potterswalls Dam.


Sunday angling, restricted to fly fishing, is permitted from the broken weir at Grainger’s Mill, downstream to the mouth of the river at the Lough Shore.  No permits or day tickets are available on Sundays for this section.

Sunday Fishing is also available on Potters Wall Dam.

No Sunday fishing is permitted on any other Club Waters.


a) All Anglers shall abide by the provisions of the Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) as applicable to designated game fisheries.

b) Anglers are encouraged to observe the principles of the Game Angling Code published by the Salmon and Trout Association.

c) Any incidence of pollution, illegal fishing, or breach of Club Rules should be reported immediately to a Club official at the earliest opportunity.

d) Vehicles should be parked only when the landowner is agreeable - and then only in such a position so as not to cause any obstruction or inconvenience to any person.

e) It is forbidden to break fences, stiles or property, walk through crops, (including hay), light fires, or to leave litter on the banks of adjoining lands, or to do or to cause anything which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to any landowner.  Gates should be left as found unless otherwise instructed by a person with authority.

f) No angler shall be accompanied by a dog at any time whilst fishing Club Waters.

g) Anglers shall co-operate with Club Bailiffs at all times.

h) Members shall carry their membership Card and shall produce it on demand of any bailiff, constabulary officer or member of the Club.

i) A bag limit of one fish per day on all club waters with a fish size between 12” and 18”.  All other fish to be returned carefully to the water, and in doing so the hand should be wet and the hook gently disengaged.

j) There is a daily bag limit of 1 trout per day on all club waters.

k) Bait fishing and spinning is only allowed on the Six Mile Water from 1 September to 31 October inclusive. All bait hooks to be single size 2 long shank and barbless. Any lure being spun, e.g. Flying C’s, Mepp’s etc, must have a single or double barbed or de-barbed hook only attached. Treble hooks are banned on all ADAA waters.

l) Fishing is prohibited 30 yards below and 10 yards above all weirs on the Six Mile Water controlled by the Club.

m) The use of shrimps or prawns as bait is banned on Club waters. Worm fishing only allowed with float.  No ledgering permitted.

n) Disabled anglers who are confined to a wheelchair are allowed free fishing on all waters controlled by the Club.

o) Fishing of Potterswall reservoir is confined to fly fishing only from the bank of the reservoir.

p) Potterswall reservoir is open for fishing all year for both Association members and day permit holders.

q) All flies used on club waters are to be single or double hooked, barbed or barbless (Members will have the choice of either).

r) The discarding of litter will not be tolerated.  Club members will be expelled from the club.  Day ticket and yearly permit holders will have their permits revoked and a record kept so that they can no longer obtain permits.

s) Catch and release only for all salmon caught on the Sixmilewater (regardless of the condition of the fish).

t) It is every club member's duty to be aware of the proper procedure for catch and release.

u) Day ticket anglers to be fly only.  Children may baitfish with a day ticket provided it is downstream of Deerpark Bridge within the Antrim Castle grounds.  No day tickets will be issued in the month of October.

v) Coarse fishing on the Six Mile Water to be from 1 March to 31 July inclusive.  No spinning permitted for coarse fishing.  Only hooks from size 12 to 18 barbless may be used.  Coarse fishing only allowed from Deerpark Bridge downstream to Lough Neagh.

w) No methods of buoyancy aids to be employed (boats, float tubes etc) while fishing on club waters.


All members must adhere to the Club’s Code of Conduct as follows:


1. Committee members agree to represent the best interests of the club at all times and not represent any other interest/matter that may be contrary to the best interests of the sport of angling. All Committee members agree to act in a manner of honesty and integrity at all times.

 2. Abide by all resolutions democratically agreed by the Committee. Every elected member agrees to act for the benefit of the club. The member agrees to use his vote in a manner that they deem is in the best interest of the club.

 3. Outside of Committee meetings the member will support any motion or decision properly discussed and voted on in Committee even if they were not in agreement of the decision. All members will be able to have a frank and meaningful discussion during the meeting, but once the democratic decision has been made the topic or motion cannot be raised again unless circumstances deem the decision was not in the best interest of the club. This does not exclude the member discussing or sharing their opinion or preference.

4. No member can publicise any matter in the name of the club unless that member has been nominated the spokesman for the club. This should not prevent a member from expressing their own views at private meetings, but they must make it totally clear that these are personal views and will not necessarily be adopted by the Committee.

 5. a) Members of the Committee must agree to accept and comply with this Code of Conduct in its entirety with no exceptions or amendments.

b) If a member feels at any time that they cannot comply or agree with this Code of Conduct they should consult with the chairman in confidence in an attempt to resolve the problem.

c) If no favourable result is concluded, then the member must stand down from the Committee.


1.All club members including season permit holders, from here on in this document known as members, are persons that have given their requested personal details and financial costs as necessary to the club.

2. Members will promote the highest standards of sportsmanship, fair play and see that the spirit of angling is upheld and be mindful of the Constitution and Objectives of the club.

 3. Members will only fish in a manner that is fair and lawful. They must not bring the club into disrepute, verbally or digitally.

4. Members will be brought before Committee if they allow their standard of behaviour to fall below accepted standards. This pertains to, abusive, threatening and obscene behaviour or language. This includes all online forums such as Facebook, public notice blogs, Instagram and Twitter. Harassment or online critique of fellow club members in regards to matters associated with angling and the club will not be tolerated. If a member has a grievance against a fellow club member in regard to club membership, angling or anything deemed to be in the best interests of the club, due care and procedure should be adhered to. The committee will investigate any and all complaints seriously. A written complaints form is available on the club’s website.

The making of or inference of pubic allegations against another member deemed to be of a harassing nature by the Committee will result in your membership being withdrawn. A complaints procedure is in place and is available for all club members to have a fair hearing. At all times you are agreeing to see and speak the best of each club member. By holding membership you are agreeing to adhere to these Codes of Conduct at all times. The Committee has full and final say on these matters.

 5. a) Members are obliged to respect the rights, space, privacy and solitude of other anglers. In the interests of safety 3 rod lengths should be maintained between anglers. Where possible, share pools with others present. Please make other anglers aware you are nearby. Please refrain from passing comment on their lights, fishing style, lines or flies. Do not make pass remarkable comments that could be considered offensive. All disputes will be handled fairly by the club’s officers. 

b). Be aware of anglers fishing opposite banks. Members have no fishing rights beyond half way when the opposite bank is occupied.

6. Members must fish and conduct themselves in a manner that causes no offence or disturbance of other anglers, water users, members of the public or nearby homes. Noise levels, either verbal or otherwise, and movement must be kept to a minimum. 

 7. It is the responsibility of all club members to read and familiarise themselves with the Constitution, Rules and Codes of Conduct of Antrim & District Angling Association. Ignorance will be no defence. Remember the rules, like the club, are always evolving and amendments will be added to the rules section on the club’s web site

8. Members that cannot accept and agree to abide by the Rules and Codes of Conduct should stand down from the club.

9. Members must always remove all rubbish and used tackle from river banks. Failure to do so will result in instant removal of membership.


a) In all competitions a Captain and two Judges shall be appointed by the competitions Secretary or assistant before the commencement of the Competition.

b) The Captain shall clearly state the time and place of judging before the commencement of any Competition.

c) Competition rules shall be read or handed out to Competitors prior to the commencement of all Competitions.  Late arrivals shall be deemed to have full knowledge of such rules.

d) Competitions shall commence at a signal from the Captain, and shall finish likewise or at such time and place as shall be announced by the Captain before the commencement. No Competitor shall assemble his/her rod before receiving the starting signal, on penalty of disqualification, and any competitor arriving late for the judging shall be disregarded.  Any competitor arriving after a Competition has commenced shall contact the Captain or a Judge before assembling his/her rod or commencing to fish.

e) Competitors may only use one rod in any Competition.

f) Competitors must catch and land their own fish.  Any competitor unable to do so through physical disabilities shall have the option of asking assistance from a fellow Competitor, same to be reported to the Captain at time of judging.  The penalty for breach of this rule is disqualification.

g) No Competitor shall interfere with the sport of another.  After due warning, should he/she persist, he/she shall be disqualified.

h) In competitions each competitor will be expected to observe any infringement of rules and report such infringement to the Captain without delay.

i) Weigh-in shall take place on the River Bank or at such place as shall be announced before the commencement of the Competition.  All fish shall be displayed and shall remain until the Competition is decided.

j) Competitions shall be decided by count; in the case of a tie or ties, by weight.

k) No competitor shall be eligible for more than one of the club’s prizes at any individual competition.

l) The decision of the Captain of the day and Judges shall be given at the time of judging and shall be final and binding in all competitions.

m) All Competitors are subject to these rules and any further rules or conditions that the Committee may from time to time decide upon.


a) All cups are the property of the Club and Winners shall, upon receiving a Cup, sign an undertaking to be responsible for the safe custody thereof and for the safe return in good condition within such time as the Committee may stipulate in the undertaking.

b) Cups shall be presented to the Winners at such time and place upon such conditions as the Committee shall decide upon.

c) In the event of a tie or ties the cups shall be held jointly.

d) The “Association Cup” shall be fished for annually on a points system (i.e. one trout or salmon to count as one point).  The winner to be the person with the largest number of points scored over all Club competitions during the season.

e) The Hill Cup must be fished for with flies only.

 Amended February 2024

Appendix 1 – Roles of Sub Officers

1. Communications Secretary:

Responsible for communication with members and public via email, text and Facebook messenger. This is not an onerous role and will be active during the year at peck times. At membership renewal and answering public questions about fishing etc. Responded to any email enquiries from the public. Update our Facebook page occasionally. 

2. Membership Secretary:

Oversee the online membership system, this role requires the person to be reasonably familiar with the internet and IT. The system is set up and again is mostly active at renewal times at the end of February. Along with sorting out season permits etc. Oversee the day permits and online distribution. Oversee the sales outlets for day permits. 

3. Bailiff Co Ordinatior: 

This role is to oversee the management of the Bailiffing team. Making sure that all bailiffs are active, up to date with training and responsible for covering the river at all times with a dedicated team. Oversee the selection of bailiffs and the upkeep of cards. 

 4. River Maintenance officer:

This persons role will be to run and oversee the upkeep of the river and make sure that work party teams are organised and equipped to carryout repairs and reports.

 5. Habitation officer:

This persons role will be to promote, manage and enable new habitation projects on a regular bases. 

 6. Pollution officer: 

This person will be responsible for reporting and dealing with pollution incidents. To make sure the appropriate follow up is maintained and that all relevant groups are help to account and pursue on behalf of the club any reports to the committee. 

 7.  Planning officer:

This person’s role will be to track applications impacting on the catchment and object where necessary. To aid the committee in staying on top of current planning applications and making sure that parties are engaged with during applications. 

 8. Dam officer:

This role will be to oversee and manage the maintenance and overall needs of Potterswall DAM , stocking and reports. 

9. Doagh River officer

This role will be to oversee and manage the maintenance and overall needs of the Doagh River , habitat improvements , signage etc. and reports .

10. Guide Secretary

This person would be responsible for overseeing and the management of ADAA guiding and reports. 

11. Welfare Officer

This person will be responsible for overseeing the welfare of club members and permit holders.

The remaining 4 committee members made of members who will assist in helping the above positions as assistants within these roles."